Membership Renewal 2024-25

Annual membership renewals are due by 31 July 2024.

Australian Sailing (AS) number: The renewal process is linked to your Australian Sailing (AS) number.

If you have been a member of our club (or any club) across Australia in the past few years, your details including Australian Sailing number should be in our system. If you don’t know your Australian Sailing Number, you can look it up here: AS Number Finder.

Renewal Process: Click on the below link to start the renewal process. You can select your membership type (Full\Senior\Family) and if you require storage. You also have the choice to pre-purchase an ESC Bar (Drinks) Card for the new season. You will also be asked to check and update your contact details.
Click HERE to renewal membership

Payment Methods:

Online payment: Membership payments can be made online in the last step of the renewal process. Please click the red pay now button to pay immediately by credit card which attracts a merchant fee of 2% + $1.60. This method of payment helps keep admin costs to a minimum for the Club.

EFT (Bank Transfer) Payments: After you have completed the membership renewal process, click on the ‘Pay Later’ button. You will then receive an email which will have your member invoice attached. Below are the club’s bank account details, which can be used to process an EFT transfer.

Bank Account: Elwood Sailing Club Memberships
BSB: 633000
Account: 109708594 
(Please use your surname as your reference)

Payment Plan: If you would like to discuss setting up a payment plan option for renewing your membership, then please email our commodore, Mark Foster –

If you have any issues with the membership renewal process, then please let Mark White know –