In line with the announced Vic Government regulations, the COVID restrictions on club activities will change from 23:59 on Tuesday July 27. These restrictions are expected to be in place for the next 2 weeks:
- ESC ground floor and deck will be open again and key fobs turned on.
- QR code MUST be used to register your visit to ESC, any area, irrespective of the length of time at the club. Do not attend if feeling unwell.
- Face masks must be worn indoors and outdoors unless a Vic Gov exception applies.
- Members attending the club will have to self-manage to ensure compliance with the people limits inside and outside the club. Maximum group size is 10, inside and outside. Area limits are: boat storage 10, male changerooms 10, female changerooms 6, workshop 1, manager’s office 2.
- No guests permitted at present due to the restrictions on the number of people permitted in the club building.
- The manager will work from ESC when required. Meetings in the manager’s office are limited to 2 people including the manager.
- Venue hires are possible however significant restrictions on hospitality group sizes and the requirement for seated service will likely result in minimal hall hire.