ESC Opening Day, Sunday 2nd Oct. 2011 from midday

The buds are bursting, the days are getting longer, it must be getting close to our 2011/12 season Opening Day!

Join Elwood Sailing Club Commodore John Dodd, Flag Officers, committee members, sponsors, honorary life members and special guests in welcoming in the new season at the clubrooms on Sunday 2nd October from midday for a 12.30 start.

The opening ceremony will be followed by an introduction of new members and a racing information session by Rear Commodore Ken Robinson, before adjourning for a 2pm race start, weather permitting, to be followed by a sausage sizzle after racing around 5pm.

In case of inclement weather the bar will be open from 1pm with sailing DVD’s on the big screen and an early sausage sizzle for all to enjoy.

So come along & join the celebrations!

Elwood Sailing Club AGM 1st September – documents updated

Please note there has been some changes to the ESC 2011 AGM Notice of Meeting and proxy forms due to the inclusion in General Business of motions relating to requested changes to Sailing Instructions and a presentation on proposed building development of the ESC clubrooms.

The Elwood Sailing Club 2011 Annual General Meeting will be held at the clubrooms on Thursday 1st September 2011 commencing 7.30pm. The bar will be open from 7.00pm , refreshments and finger food will be available after the meeting.

Agenda (in accordance to Rule 9.3)

  • Confirm minutes of the 2010 AGM and 2011 HYGM
  • Receive committee reports
  • General Business
  • Election of General Committee for 2011-2012

Attached are updated AGM Notice and Proxy forms;
ESC AGM notice 2011 v2
ESC AGM nomination 2011
ESC AGM proxy 2011 v2