Duty and Sailor App 2022/23

Attached is a copy of the Duty Roster up to the end of December 2022. Please check the roster and make a note of the days which you have been rostered on.
If you are unable to attend your rostered day, then it is your responsibility to arrange a swap, and notify the following people. The earlier the swap can be arranged, the better.

You can use the Sailor App to see all members who have been rostered on. This is located within the ‘Member’s Only – Duty Roster’ section of the Sailor App.
You also have the ability to contact a member via this section to help with arranging a duty swap.
Sailor App
We will once again be using the Sailor App to manage the racing operations of the club. This includes, the Sign On and Sign Off procedure. It will be the same as in previous years.
For our new members, then please read the attached document for how to setup and register the Sailor App on your phone. You will need to do this before you can Sign On for your first race.
If you have any trouble or questions with the Sailor App, then please let Paul (pdstamp84@tpg.com.au) know.

Click on the links below for duty roster and Sailor App Instructions


AGM 2022

Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Elwood Sailing Club Inc. will be held at the clubhouse on Friday September 2, from 7.00 – 9:00 pm.
Please note the change in location: previous advise was that the meeting would be held online as a zoom meeting only, but we have decided to hold the meeting at the clubhouse. This will allow better interaction between members, and allow us to run more easily the secret ballot which will be required due to the number of members nominating for the General Committee.
This Notice contains information on the meeting and what you need to do if you wish to attend or nominate a proxy, or nominate for the General Committee.
AGM Attendance and Proxy Form
To attend and vote at the AGM you must be a current financial member. Senior, Family Senior, Family Partner, Life, and Junior members are entitled to vote at the meeting; Associate Members are not.
If you do not plan to attend the meeting and are entitled to vote you may appoint another member as your proxy using an AGM Proxy Form (click for link). Please email your proxy to secretary@elwoodsc.com , or hand or send by mail to the manager.
AGM Agenda

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Club News

Cashless Club
We are moving to be a cashless club, where all money transactions will be paid by credit/debit card, EFTPOS, or a prepaid card which can be purchased from the club. This includes  all membership and storage fees, bar and canteen purchases, race fees, SailPass etc. Very few transactions at the club are now paid in cash, mainly just a few bar purchases, and this change will  remove the need for the club to carry cash and to do the accounting and bank trips that cash operations require. Details about the prepaid ESC bar card will be provided shortly. 

Clubhouse Access 
From Monday to Friday the 1st floor is closed to members as we have regular hall hires. The 1st floor is accessible on Saturdays for race days and Saturday evening when there are no events. (check the weekly newsletter for availability) Full access to members on Sundays unless there is a special event. Please note that the BBQ or deck area cannot be used if there is any event in the hall. Fobs will be activated to work on the front door from Monday18th July. 

Advance Notice Of Zoom AGM 
Because of the increasing infectiousness of COVID variants, and the increasing rate of infections in the community, the GC has decided that it would be prudent to hold the AGM an online zoom meeting.
We are planning to hold this year’s AGM on Friday September 2, at 7:00pm. Please put this important date in your diary. The AGM is where the committee provides an update on how the club is going and plans for the new year and beyond, and gives members an opportunity to give feedback and ask questions. The AGM also appoints the new committee: please consider if you would like to join the GC and help the club.


Annual Membership renewals  are due for payment by 31st July 2022. 

Click here to renew your membership and update personal details in RevSport. You will then be separately sent an invoice to pay.
If you experience issues with the process or wish to change your membership or other category, please contact our manager.

If you would like to discuss progressive payment of your fees over the next few months, please contact our manager, Amanda Innes. Any discussions will remain confidential. If no discussion is held with the manager on progressive payments, then a late fee of $50 will apply for renewal fees not paid by July 31.

Working With Children Check Required
A reminder that any member who is on a committee, or who is required or volunteers to do duty, must by law have a current Working With Children Check. Please contact the manager if you require assistance.