2 Free Events

All members: we have secured 2 free spots to attend First Aid Cerifiacte Trainign course, email manager@elwoodsc.com if you can attend.  There is an online questionaire to do before the course and then the time on the Wednesday so make sure you can be there.

HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid

Wednesday 21st June

4pm to 7.45pm

St Kilda Public Library

Ladies at 11am on 24th June at the club we are hosting a Ladies Self Defence Class, its free to all female members, email manager@elwoodsc.com to secure your spot.

“Tailored for Women, by Women. Taught to Women by an internationally accredited Woman.

If you’re a Woman over 16, let us teach you how to defend yourself against all manner of attacks and threats- as well as how to fight back.

Our unique methods simulate the stress of realistic self defence scenarios in a safe and supportive environment.

When seconds count and police are minuets away – we’ll teach you to fight like a girl!”

Top of the Bay Challenge

The 2023 Top of the Bay Challenge will be held at Port Melbourne Yacht Club on Saturday 11th February. Racing will start at 2:00pm.  Depending on numbers, we may deploy Seahorse 1 as a safety escort for boats sailing to the regatta from Elwood and back again.  If you are interested in sailing in the Top of the Bay, please let Amanda know so we can finalise support plans.

click below for Notice of Race


Changes to the by-law Section 4 covering Boatshed and Outside Storage

The General Committee has approved changes to the by-law Section 4 covering Boatshed and Outside Storage. The changes relate to:

 – Use of the Sailor App instead of cards to sign on and off for races, which feeds in to the storage points calculation

 – SUP storage allocation process

 – Ability for a member to store one SUP within that members allocated boat storage spot

 – Storage of  A-class catamaran beach wheels on the boat unless used for ground level storage, and removal of rudders from A-class in their storage spots when practical.

 – Approval required for storage of a boat on the floor in the general area, for a maximum of one week

 – Potential penalties in the event of a breach of any storage by-law will include a 5 point storage penalty, or removal of the offending boat/equipment to the outside storage area pending resolution

 – Other minor changes

The revised Bylaws are available here