ESC Season Opening Day – Friday 2nd Oct

Small Flags 1This year Opening Day – is on the 2nd October – GRAND FINAL PUBLIC HOLIDAY – a new public holiday to Victoria – the club will be open from 9am with the Canteen reopening and bar.

The first race starts at: 13.57hrs

Dan Osinga will be providing a BBQ, after the race – to celebrate the new Opening of the Season – we hope to see you there

2015-16 Season Calendar


Here is the new sailing and events calendar for Elwood Sailing Club 2015-2016 season (updated 29 Aug 2015).

The season will off with Opening Day on the Friday 2nd October – Grand Final Public Holiday.  The club will be having a spit roast and the bar is open to celebrate the new season.

Elwood’s Got Talent Open Mic Night – 20 Aug

PTA Open Mic

Leaving on a Jet Plane, Jet, Jet Airliner, Wooden Planes, Air Force One, Aeroplane, B52s, Paper Plane, Benny and The Jets, Big Jet Plane, Hear My Train a Comin’, Midnight Train From Georgia, Indian Pacific, Locomotive Breath, Rock’n’Roll Train, Crazy Train, Night Train, Train Kept a Rollin’, Mystery Train, Blue Train, Train in Vain, Slow Train Coming, The Cars, Pink Cadillac… get there any way you like… just get there


8pm til midnight Thursday 20 August @ The Elwood Sailing Club Elwood Foreshore Continue reading

F18 Worlds – Kiel, Germany

F18sESC sailors and 2015 Victorian F18 champions Chris Boag & Tom Salt are currently competing in the F18 World Championships being held in Kiel, Germany. F18 action

They are in good company, competing with fellow Australians Glenn Ashby & Brett Goodall and over 160 other boats. You can follow their progress on the official website or facebook.

Let’s hope they also bring back some of the latest 2 handed cat sailing techniques!


Race Rules & Pizza Evening – date change

Rob Ware will be presenting a talk on Racing Rules at the ESC clubrooms on Thursday 16thth July, @ 7pm, this date has been moved from the 9th. Rob’s experience in rules is vast and extremely valuable – a night not to be missed. Rob will be talking about the beer n pizza nighttactical application of rules – “how to beat up the opposition and stay out of trouble”
Perfect theory practice during the winter. We will be providing pizza and a beer, all for $10.00.  Please book in advance with Sarah Thompson at as the pizzas will need to be ordered.

ESC Membership Renewals due 1 July 2015

It’s ESC Membership renewal time again!image ESC’s General Committee has reviewed the club’s financial position and decided that there will be no increases in annual membership subscription fees for the upcoming season, however to encourage a prompt response we will be implementing a late payment fee of $50 for payments received after the due date of 1 July 2015.  Continue reading