AGM Friday 12 July 2024

Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Elwood Sailing Club Inc. will be head at the Elwood Sailing Club on Friday, 12th of July 2024 commencing at 7.00pm

As set out under Rule 30 of the Rules of Elwood Sailing Club Inc. an annual general meeting of members must be convened to:

  • To confirm the minutes of the previous AGM
  • To receive and consider the:-
    • annual reports of the Committee on the activities of the Association during the preceeding financial year, and
    • the financial statements of the association for the preceeding financial year submitted by the Committee in accordance with Part 7 of the Act;
  • to elect members of the Committee

Message from the Commodore, Mark Foster

All positions on General Committee are declared vacant and require nominations from the membership. If you are considering nominating, please do so but note that all GC members will be required to be active members of committee and be prepared to apply themselves to the betterment of the club and membership value. It is crucial that ESC has a strong & active General Committee.

I have nominated for the position of Commodore for the 2024-2025 financial year, however I welcome others to nominate for Commodore and thus allow the membership to choose.

Please see the attached Nomination and Proxy Vote forms.

At this point in time ESC does not have any elected Flag Officers serving on GC. Most of the current elected GC members have chosen not to renominate. The AGM will be the initial and important step for the revitalization of Elwood Sailing Club Inc for the coming years. I would appreciate all members attendance and participation on Friday 12th July 2024 commencing at 7PM

Thanks & Regards

Mark Foster
Commodore – Elwood Sailing Club Inc
P: 0408 820 020

AGM Attendance and Proxy Form

To attend and vote at the AGM you must be a current financial member. Senior, Family Senior, Family Partner, Life, and Junior members are entitled to vote at the meeting; Associate Members are not.

If you do not plan to attend the meeting and are entitled to vote you may appoint another member as your proxy using a Proxy Form (click for link). Please email your proxy to or hand to the Commodore.