2014 ESC Annual General Meeting, Thursday 31st July @ 7:00pm


The 2014 Annual General Meeting of Elwood Sailing Club Inc. will be held at the clubrooms on Thursday 31st July , the bar will be open from 6:30pm and the meeting commencing at 7:00 pm.


  • Confirm minutes of the 2013 AGM and 2014 HYGM.
  • Receive committee reports.
  • Receive and consider of the annual financial statements.
  • Motion 1: – In addition to the five officer positions of the Association, this meeting approves the election of five ordinary members to the General Committee for the next year.
  • General Business.
  • Election of General Committee for 2014 – 2015.
  • Membership prompt payment prize draw.
  • Close of meeting.

For your reference please find attached the following documents:

ESC AGM Notice of Meeting 2014 v2

ESC AGM Proxy form 2014 (1) 

ESC AGM GC Nomination form 2014 v2